Has your boss asked you to send them an email detailing everything you did last week . . . or risk being terminated? Well, maybe they’re trying to sniff out TASK MASKING.
There’s apparently a new workplace term kicking around called “task masking,” which is where employees spend a lot of time and effort just trying to LOOK like they’re working hard. When, in reality, they’re hardly doing ANYTHING.
And, big surprise, it sounds like it’s most popular with young, Gen Z workers. There are videos on TikTok that offer advice for task masking. Stuff like: Walking fast with a laptop stuffed under your armpit . . . and typing really loud.
It sounds a little corny, but some managers are saying that it’s a trend they’re actually seeing trickle into their workforce.
But honestly, it’s something that’s ALWAYS been a thing that people do . . . now we just give everything names. Remember “quiet quitting” and “quiet firing”?